Ahoy, matey!

What do we do when we find ourselves adrift in story? When we’re far out to sea and can no longer see the shore?

This part of our process is all about what you do when you need to drop anchor. It could be that the Inner Critic is getting to you, you’re just plain tired, or maybe you realize you’re a little bit lost in the woods with this story.

ANCHOR is a biggie: this is all mindset work and how to counter the psych ops that your mental gremlins are pulling on you.

You might find yourself needing to spend more time with this module, and be prepared that it could bring up some tough stuff—all the flotsam and jetsam of our inner landscape.

There is lots of support here and in our resource library. If you find yourself really stuck, schedule a Breakthrough call with me and we’ll sort you out so you can move on to the super fun next module, which is all about play!


Below are two quick ways to hold your seat and get your bearings when it’s time to drop anchor.

Label your Inner Critic whenever it shows up. Name it if you want. Come up with banishing words, and tell it (and the Greek Chorus weighing in behind you) to exit stage left.

Mindset Resources

*** The Process Resource Library has a number of tools to help you, including some great books.

Click below for a wonderful mindset reset that has helped me step into my personal power and trust myself in a big way.