“With gentleness and care, Heather Demetrios skillfully guides writers of all backgrounds and skill levels in finding their voice and creating seminal work.
She embodies what she teaches, leading from a place of mindfulness and grace so that the gordian knot of writing feels workable and doable for anyone who has the good opportunity to work with her.”
About Me & My Work With Writers
In addition to being a writer and writing coach, I’m also a certified meditation teacher, with certificates in Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness and Somatic Parts (IFS) Work. My focus is on helping writers use mindfulness and meditation to deepen their connection to themselves, their work, the world, and their readers. These practices pay ENORMOUS dividends to creatives: think increased flow, focus, and creativity. For real. The best thing? A mindful mindset helps you navigate the ups and downs of the writer’s life more elegantly. I blog a lot about the intersection between mindfulness/meditation and writing, and you can also hear my meditations on Insight Timer, where thousands of writers around the world have worked with this good medicine.
The best resource for you from me is my twice-monthly newsletter, where I go deep into how this practice supports our writing lives in practical ways. You’ll also get instant downloads and access to my Well archives and my Mindfulness for Writers handbook.
1:1 Mentorship
Schedule a Breakthrough call with me for 1:1 mindfulness support for your writing, your practice, and daily life. Your inner critic will thank you!
Writing, Espionage, & Mindfulness
It was a delight sharing so many of my passions in one conversation. I hope our talk gives you lots to think about. Breathe. Write. Repeat!
“Heather is a superstar at helping writers to ground in themselves with mindful awareness, so that they can blast off in their creativity. The process of writing can be an enormous challenge, but the tools and support that Heather offers set the foundation for the elusive flow-state. While based in ancient, time-tested principles, Heather’s mindfulness and somatic practices are thoroughly modern—a real salve for our weary souls, at a time when we need writers the most.
Heather is a genuine, talented teacher and mentor. Not just an award-winning writer, Heather is a lover of writers, an expert in the process, and a rare mindfulness teacher who practices what she preaches in her everyday life. None of Heather’s offerings are theoretical; they are real, just like her. Only the very best teachers can create safe space, provide loving support, and get results—I’m so happy to have found one in Heather.
The Meditation Starter Kit I mention is currently under construction, but you can receive lots of benefits here on this page and in my Lotus & Pen Perks portal, when you sign up for the newsletter.
““Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.””
Below is an Instagram story I put up after an insightful experience I had at Shakespeare & Co in Paris. For me, this is the best way to illustrate how the practice of mindfulness has transformed my life as a writer. To learn more about how to begin a meditation and mindfulness practice, sign up for my newsletter, the Lotus & Pen, for meditation downloads, mindfulness worksheets, and more. You’ll also be the first to know when my new meditation courses and offerings go live.