Welcome to the Process Clinic!

This is where we troubleshoot your process. If there are parts that aren’t working for you, bad habits you need help breaking, mindset resets needed, or simply inspiration for more ways to explore your process, this is for you!

One of the best things I can offer are my many, many blogs on process, mindset, and mindfulness. Click below to read what you need.



Download my go-to process revising strategies. We get into reframing, proof pudding, and more.

Hint: A lot of process issues are usually Inner Critic Psych Ops. We’re going to bring in some of our own counter intelligence. 🥸

New Download!

The YHAP Habit Tracker

This baby is here to support the changes you’ve decided to make and areas you wish to grow - and all that yummy intention.

My Unlock Process Workbook, where I get into all things Keyring of Desire. It that resonated with you, I offer it here.

And! Here’s my post on how to write a bingeable chapter.

When you’re ready, print this out and write your whole process out.

You can include revision if you wish, or do a second one.