“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you. ”
Every writer needs her go-to’s for the days when the well is dry, the flow is gone, and the heart is heavy.
I started two folders on my computer - one on my desktop and one on my browser toolbar - called Soul Food. This is where I stuff any resources that light me up, re-inspire me, and remind me why I do this whole writing thing. This is where I go on the days when I doubt myself, when I’ve got nothin’. I’ve got something for every mood: articles, videos, podcasts, certain Instagram accounts. Poems, bits of my favorite books…Think of this is your emergency pod when shit hits the fan.
Creating a Soul Food receptacle is easy. Just throw things in whenever they inspire you. Have an ongoing list of links on your browser, throw things in that desktop folder. You can even have a Soul Food section in your writing area - a box with books or trinkets that do the trick. Make it yours. Here are a few of my Soul Food highlights - may they fill your with creative goodness as they do me.
exclusive soul food dishes for the inspiration Portal
My Noise: the most amazing nature sounds and ambient noise I’ve ever found - perfect for writing or just taking a break. This guy travels all over the world to record the sounds, which is inspiring enough on its own. I love picturing him doing that!
Brené Brown’s Manifesto of the Brave and Brokenhearted PDF download
John Green’s vulnerable video message on his writing block after TFIOS
:: I will update as I come across new awesomeness::
Below are the links from the public writer’s resource page on my site
Amanda Palmer: If you know me at all, you know I bow to her. She is the epitome of the creative and inspires me daily. I support her monthly via her Patreon and devour her emails and offerings. She inspires the FUCK out of me. I’ve linked to her Insta, but you’d do well to follow her more thoroughly via Patreon. She just might change your life. She reminds me to keep going and of all the possibilities in creative life and work.
Susannah Conway: I love this woman. I’ve taken courses with her and gobble up her annual free offerings, such as her kickass Unravel Your Year workbook that comes out at year’s end, and her Find Your Word course, which is a great way to find your word for the year. She does fun Insta prompts to kickstart your creativity throughout the year, has a lovely and inspiring newsletter, and a beautiful Insta. She’s a creativity goddess.
Carrie Mallon’s Tarot Interpretations: I have few hobbies, but tarot is one of them. I absolutely love it. It’s a huge creative boost. Carrie is my favorite interpreter of the cards. I love her approach, and have even done a private reading with her. When in doubt, pull some cards and get centered. Just looking at the different decks and their beautiful art is a creative boost. (Susannah Conway has AMAZING tarot courses, btw).
Ira Glass’s Advice For Beginners via the AMAZING Zen Pencils comic
Sometimes Up On The Box: Amanda Palmer animated video on the connection between art and artist
Frida: The Julie Taymor movie
Mary Oliver’s reflections on writing: I’ve linked to a great primer via Maria Popova’s blog, but you’d do well to pick up Mary’s book Upstream and dive in, as needed.
Brain Pickings: Speaking of Maria Popova, this is her blog, which is chock full of astounding and beautiful reflections on all things, especially writing and creativity.
Elizabeth Gilbert’s On Being Interview “Choosing Curiosity Over Fear”
Irish poet John O’Donahue’s On Being Inerview “The Inner Landscape of Beauty”
Check out my pinterest for writer inspiration
I love making boards for my books - they help me figure out my characters, and they are insanely helpful for world building. I’ve literally taken ideas from those boards - images, feelings they evoke - and put them in my books. I also have loads of inspirational quotes on there for those writing days when you need a boost. This is a big part of my creative process, which I indulge in when I begin a project and again when I’m revising. Plus, it’s just so FUN.