“Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible form of magic. ”
This guide is here to help you crack the code of your novel once and for all.
After years of coaching, editing, teaching, and writing, I’ve identified the keys that will help you unlock your novel when you're most stuck.
A pile of sidewriting exercises await you.
Every month in the Rough Draft I share a new writing exercise. Click below to access the archive, then scroll through (the exercises are in the last few pages of the Draft) to snag that month’s sidewriting prompt. We’re talking my go-to writing exercises that always help me when I’m stuck. They’re especially useful for deepening character and plotting through character - what I’m all about! Have at it, camerado.
MY IGTV Series
Come check out my IGTV series, where each episode is 3 Things you can do to improve your craft or process. I’m having such a blast and can’t wait to dive into ALL THE THINGS with you. Here is a sampling:
“Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.”
here are some of my go-to’s to deepen craft
Read, underline, print-out, and dance this bit from Colum McCann’s Letters To A Young Writer. I keep a print-out of this tacked to my wall in my office and it gives me great courage.
Joe Fassler’s “By Heart” column in The Atlantic is deep craft inspiration. He’s the editor of one of my favorite anthologies ever, Light The Dark. He basically interviews all kinds of authors about their process.
Here’s Fassler’s interview with Andre Dubus III, which is prehaps the best essay I’ve ever read on writing.
The Paris Review: Again, more amazing interviews with fantastic writers. They have an astounding backlist with the greats.
Susan Dennard: I mention her in the publishing resources, as well. I love how she talks about process and craft. Her newsletter is a joy in my inbox, and she has TONS of resources online for writers.
If you’re thinking about getting an MFA, I went to Vermont College of Fine Arts. Low-residency is, IMO, the only way to go. The decision to get an MFA is complex and personal. There are many considerations and your pro/con list might look surprisingly even. VCFA has an amazing community that you will dip into long after graduation. They have semester-long options, if you aren’t up for the fill immersion.
Head over to the Books Portal to see all the books I love. See below for craft and creativity recommendations. As many of you know, I’m deep in love with Story Genius. I also really love John Gardner’s The Art of Fiction. For process, my go-to’s are Bird by Bird and Big Magic.
“Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.”
Check out My Posts on writing and the writing life on my blog:
The Lotus & Pen
“I saw the angel in the marble and I carved until I set him free.”
My Favorite Craft and Creativity Books
“I am still learning.”