Creating A Writer's Grimoire

My Writer's Grimoire

I have been meaning to post this for the longest time, but better late than never, right?

The practice of creating and using what I call a “Writer’s Grimoire” is something I've been sharing with my 1:1 writers for approximately 10,000 years—and, like everything I share—is something I’ve found great benefit in doing myself.

I got mine at the Renn fair—doesn’t it just ooze magic? It has gorgeous handmade paper, too.

A grimoire is a witch's spell book, and when I thought about what a spell book is - that which uses words and rituals and tools to call forth something we want into being - I knew we writers needed those too.

So I started working with a fancy journal filled with my favorite inspirational quotes, washi tape, used pretty markers, added meditations I liked, mantras, mindset strategies. I could tape pictures from magazines in there. Photographs. Whatever.

It's basically a scrapbook you open when you need inspiration or have a creativity meltdown.

You can write your be-do-feel-have statements in there, your process after you go through You Have A Process (see what I did there?🙃).

One of my writers said she got a recipe box instead, and is writing all her stuff on cards. She's also the writer who once told me she was going to write writing warmup exercises on the cards of a card deck, then she can shuffle them and do one in the morning. HOW COOL IS THAT?

Anyway, wouldn't a fun artist’s date be to go find a very grimoirish journal (I recommend blank pages) and fun supplies and have at it?! You can also find gorgeous stuff on Etsy or anywhere you like to find your most magical writing supplies.

The world is tough right now, but this is something to find a little fire for your lighthouse. Something that you help you signal to your stories, who are waiting out in that sea, looking for you.

Plus, it's super fun and healing and affirming of your inner wisdom. It's empowering and tender and wonderful. Have fun!

How To Use Your Spells

The whole point of the grimoire is to have a go-to resource when your inner critic strikes or you simply need to remember why you write, what they point of it is…basically, when it gets existential in the writer’s seat.


I always suggest putting notes to self in there, reminding yourself of wins, of tools that have been helpful. Writing out how you did something when it worked. If there’s a meditation you like, write it down in there so you don’t forget how to do it. Favorite websites, books, bits of poetry, things you cut out from magazines, vision board kinda stuff…really, anything goes.

While I also recommend having a folder of bookmarks on your desktop with things that boost you, there’s nothing like a good, old-fashioned book of writing magic.

If you get one, send me a picture and tell me how you’re using it.