Welcome to Module One! Our focus is on the Bingeable Protagonist.
Audio Materials
I recommend printing out the visualization transcript and highlighting any questions that you’d like to come back to and journal about. This practice can be used as often as you like to go deeper into a character or moment in your book. Once you get comfortable with it, you can also begin doing this work on your own, with music playing in the background (your book’s soundtrack), or in silence.
Remember: Don’t try to control - let go and let the images come through you. Allow it to be a full body, full sensory experience.
Links To Check Out At Your Leisure
Assignments For Module One
Listen to the Binge Lecture
Begin Work on your Module One Binge Factor Worksheet
Begin reading your chosen binge read
As you read, take notes on your Binge Reader
Listen to the Oh So Secret Guided Visualization
Jot down any notes that came to you after the visualization, especially focusing on your protagonist and the secret / object
Module One Worksheets
Extension Activities
Casting Call! Create a Pinterest collage of your protagonist. Include ANYTHING that you feel could relate to your character, including pics of your ideal actors for the role (at least how they look, even if their acting isn’t right for the part). You can check out mine for ideas: https://www.pinterest.com/hdwriter/
Write an annotated bibliography of your favorite, most binge-worthy book (see “Reading Like A Writer” PDF)
Oh So Secret Sidewriting